Charities at Kirby Hill Primary School

At Kirby Hill Primary School, we believe in extending the pupils’ education far beyond the classroom walls; a central part of our ethos is that we aim to inspire caring and compassionate children ready to face life’s challenges. We would like our pupils to be engaged with the real world and have an understanding of, and make a positive contribution towards, society. The school council plays a pivotal role in listening to pupil’s ideas, selecting charities, discussing ideas and planning fundraising events. The pupils, parents and friends of Kirby Hill Primary School support a variety of charities throughout the school year in addition to the Fairtrade stall that the Fairtrade Committee run every week. 

See below for our contributions towards different charities.


Football Shirt Friday

In April our pupils came to school wearing a football shirt of their choice. to show support for the Bobby Moore foundation trust in aid of cancer research.  We saw a huge array of tops from different football teams from around the UK and the world.  A fantastic amount of £110.10 was raised.  

Christingle Service

In December a group of pupils attended and participated in the Christingle Service at All Saints Church, Kirby Hill, having made their Christingles in school. The service raises funds for The Children's Society.


Christmas Jumper Day

Our school held its annual Christmas jumper day on December 18th 2024, to coincide with our Christmas Dinner Day.  Our families helped to raise over £58 for the First Steps 2 School charity, in support of the school in Peru. 


Christmas Tree Festival

Children attending the After School Club demonstrated their crafting to make a paperchain tree for their entry in the children's category at St James's Church, Boroughbridge Christmas Tree Festival, December 2024. This was viewed by and brought pleasure to many hundreds of visitors over the weekend. When all the individual visitor votes were counted the tree had been voted runner-up! Funds raised at the event help support the local Boroughbridge Community Care organisation.  


Rotary Shoebox Appeal

This year donations were made for the shoebox appeal. Shoeboxes were generously filled with gifts and donated through the Rotary Shoebox appeal to spread Christmas cheer to others.  


Poppy Appeal

£72.30 was collected by pupils, through the sale of poppies at our school this November, in support of the Royal British Legion appeal. 

Ripon Community House and Harrogate Homeless Project

On 16th October children were invited to bring to school donations of food to celebrate Harvest Festival thanksgiving. These were donated to Ripon Community House and Harrogate Homeless Project. They aim to provide food or to offer support with whatever difficulties anyone may be facing. They, and we, really appreciate and are grateful for the kindness and generosity of our families.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On 25th September 2024 our YR5/6 class hosted an epic coffee morning, inviting friends, family and members of our local school community to raise funds for everyone effected by cancer.  A fabulous amount of £263.54 was raised in support of this charity.

First Steps 2 School - Peru

A Pyjama Day was held on November 10th when pupils paid 50p to wear their pyjamas to school. The School Council, along with the support of the rest of  Year6 also organised games for the children to play at play time.  An amazing amount of £98.43 was raised to be donated to the school in Peru.

Ukraine Crisis

On Friday 11th March 2022 pupils dressed in blue and yellow, (the colours of the flag of Ukraine), to show their support for those in crisis in Ukraine.  The very generous amount of £280.50 was donated by our families to aid humanitarian work.

Children with Cancer UK

We have some budding entrepreneurs and philanthropists in Oak class with some of our children using their ‘Golden Time’ to raise money for charity! We have enjoyed watching and helping them come up with ideas; consider the cost to produce an item and evaluate what it could retail at. A child organised a cake stall and two other children created top trump style cards and sold these to their peers. The children raised an amazing £40.75 and decided that they would like the money to go to a Children’s Cancer Charity. Watch out Alan Sugar! imagine what they will achieve in the future!

Red Nose Day

Children came to school on Friday 19th March 2021 wearing something red in support of Comic Relief.  An amazing amount of £156.00 was raised for Comic Relief.

YR5 Cake Stall

 In March 2024 our YR5 Children organised and ran their own bake sale to raise money for the YMCA and managed to collect a whopping £87.72.

First Steps 2 School - Peru

The School Council, on behalf of their peers, chose to start a fundraising campaign to help provide essential learning equipment and resources for a nursery in Peru.  Some of our local residents are trustees for the charity and they visit the nursery in Peru on a regular basis.  Our children were so moved by the difference that this nursery if making to the lives of the children there that they wanted to contribute towards it.  The School Council held a cake sale on 5th July and managed to raise over £70.  The trustees came into school to collect the money and to say thank you during Collective Worship.

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