Collective Worship 

Welcome from the Reverend Stephen McCaulay

Kirby Hill School is a Church of England school, and so Christian values form the bedrock which underpins the school ethos, something which is much valued by parents.

There are strong links between church and school. The church governors play an important role in helping to shape the school and supporting school events. 

The children all attend a service in church at least once a term, enjoying the opportunity to sing, read their prayers and written work. The children also visit the church for lessons relating to various aspects of the curriculum.

More recently, the church and school have worked together on the highly enjoyable Messy Church events, which are now held once a term. The school choir lead a Carol Service every December and delight us all with their beautiful singing.  Some of the older children have the opportunity to attend a service in the Cathedral for church schools once a year, and at the end of the summer term our leavers attend the Leavers’ Service, also at the Cathedral.

We continue to build on the relationship between church and school, and I welcome any suggestions you may have of ways in which we can work together for the good of our young people.

Collective Worship at our School

Here at Kirby Hill, the daily act of Collective Worship is highly valued and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together.  Every effort is made to ensure that all children and staff take part in a high quality and meaningful experience offering a spiritual encounter within an inclusive Christian and educational context. There is plenty of flexibility in the provision of collective worship to enable all pupils to benefit without compromising their beliefs.

 Collective Worship Policy 2023



Our School Prayer

Bless our school at Kirby Hill
Bless all the children and adults who work in it
Help us to do our best
To be kind and thoughtful to one another
Cheerful and smiling every day

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Collective Worship Committee

Adult leader – Mrs Natasha Cockerill

The Collective Worship Committee is a group of Year 6 pupils who help to lead Collective Worship for the whole school. They hold open the doors for the whole school to enter the hall, make sure everything is set up, and often help to lead the prayer.  The committee plans and leads Collective Worship for the whole school every other Tuesday.

The Collective Worship Committee evaluates Collective Worship each week and are the voice of the pupils with regards to worship time at Kirby Hill CE Primary School.

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