About Us

Kirby Hill C of E Primary School is set in the pretty village of Kirby Hill, very close to Boroughbridge. 

The school serves Kirby Hill and surrounding villages, and is a thriving and busy place.  Children attend Kirby Hill School from the age of three years to eleven years. 

Our nursery is governor-led, and we are able to offer free early years education to children from the age of three.  Rising threes are able to attend our nursery too but places are limited - please contact the school office for further information.

View a copy of the Kirby Hill Primary School Brochure 2022 - 2023 (.PDF)



What makes our school special

Kirby Hill C of E is an inclusive school. This means the equality of opportunity is a reality for our children. We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school:

  • Girls and boys
  • Minority ethnic and faith groups
  • Children with special educational needs (SEN)
  • Gifted and talented children
  • Looked After Children
  • Children who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion
At Kirby Hill C of E Primary the learning and teaching, achievements, attitudes and well being of every child are important. We follow the necessary regulations to ensure that we take the experiences and needs of all our children into account when planning for learning.


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