School Clubs


After school (3.15 - 4.15pm)




Multi-Skills and Games

with Sporting Influence

For Bell and Canady Pupils

3.15 - 4.15pm every Monday for 5 sessions

Starting w/c 13th January 2025

Cost £20.00



 Pupil-led Games Club in Canady Class




Collective Worship Committee (YR6) - alternate


Tag Rugby with Sporting Influence

For Darwin and Einstein Pupils

3.15 - 4.15pm every Wednesday for 6 sessions

Starting w/c 6th January 2025

Cost £24.00



 School Council - alternate Thursdays


Pupil-led Art & Crafts Club - Einstein Class

Choir with Miss Lowe

(3.15 - 4pm)




Tennis with Dean Cairns

For YR3 to YR6  Pupils 

3.15 - 4.15pm every Friday for 6 sessions  

Starting w/c 6th January 2025

Cost £24.00



In addition to our School Clubs, lunchtime play is organised into zones so that there are always different activities for all ages to have a go at.  The children also organise, advertise and run a number of their own clubs on a lunch time.

Costs for the After School Clubs are by payment in advance at the start of the half-term on ParentPay please. 

Please complete and return the Sports Clubs Permission Slipas soon as possible. Paper copies are also available at the school office, as well as by the linked form, which can also be found on our Documents page, under forms.

Breakfast and After School Clubs

Outside school hours 7.45am – 8.45am and 3.15pm – 5.45pm

Breakfast Club and After School Clubs cater for children aged three years and older and should be booked in advance by using the direct mobile phone number provided.

  • Breakfast Club 7.45am – 8.45am £5.00 including breakfast
  • After School Club 3.15pm – 4.15pm £5.00 including snack
  • 3.15pm – 5.15pm £10.00 including snack
  • 3.15pm – 5.45pm £12.50 including snack

These Breakfast and After School Clubs are run by school staff.

For additional information please refer to the Wrap Around Care section of this site or contact the school office on 01423 322713. 


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