The History of Kirby Hill Primary School

It was the determination and single-mindedness of Charles Hanson Sale which brought about the permanent establishment of a C of E school at Kirby Hill.

The original formalities for the setting up of such an establishment are contained in a conveyance for the endowment of a school site comprising a parcel of vicarial Glebe measuring 1700 square yards or thereabouts in the village of Kirby-on-the-Moor.

 This splendid legal document dated 28th day of March 1867 named the then vicar, Charles Sale, as one of its several signatories. From that point in time Charles Hanson Sale was to devote the next 27 years of his incumbency to the daily supervision of a school that we can believe was his pride and joy. Links were thus forged that have stood the test of time and happily there remains to this day, a close relationship between Parish Church and the school.