Sport and PE at Kirby Hill Primary School
At Kirby Hill, our intent is:
- To develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform and compete with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities – these include dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, athletics and outdoor adventure activities.
- To promote an understanding in children of their bodies in action.
- To encourage pupils to think, select and apply skills, and develop positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle - enabling them to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives.
Each year group from Year 1 to Year 6 have two timetabled lessons of PE each week. Children in Nursery and Reception have increased access to outdoor play as well as at least one separate PE lesson per week. PE is taught using the National Curriculum Programme of Study 2014 and lessons may be indoor or outdoor. Lessons include invasion games, net and wall, striking and fielding, athletics, gymnastics and dance. We are fortunate to have a large school field for outdoor games and sporting activities. We have two specialist PE / sports coaches working with us: Mr Dean Cairns and Mr Christian Vitali.
We currently offer three different after school clubs - Mr Vitali from Sporting Influence runs a club for Years 1,2 and 3 on Mondays, and a club for Years 4,5 and 6 on a Wednesday. Mr Cairns runs a club for children from Y1 - Y6 on a Friday. We are always looking to expand our range of activities offered after school so please do get in touch if you know of something that might benefit the pupils in our school.
Kirby Hill is part of the Thirsk School Sports Partnership and children compete in a wide range of sporting events, as well as events within the local cluster. We have been awarded Gold for the School Games Mark to reward our commitment to the development of competition across our school and into the community.
Swimming lessons at Thirsk Swimming Pool are available throughout the autumn term. These are mainly aimed at Y5 pupils, but any other children in Y6 who are yet to swim 25m are also encouraged to go. Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to the lessons and transport.
Residential visits are a key feature of our outdoor education provision and we offer opportunities for pupils from Y3 to Y6 every year. The Sports Premium is used to subsidise transport costs for these trips.
PE contributes to the teaching of personal, social and health education and citizenship. Children learn about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating, and how to make informed choices to enable them to live healthy lifestyles.
The Sports Premium For information on how we use our sports' premium funding, please click here: Sports Funding