Welcome to the Year 5 / 6 (Einstein Class) Page

Your teacher in Einstein Class is Mrs Garner

Mrs Garner is supported every morning by Mrs Beeley.

Class information

Welcome to Einstein Class!

We have lots of exciting things to learn over the year and this class web page is a useful source of information about what we are learning and doing in year 5 and 6. 


PE in Einstein Class

Einstein Class have P.E. on a Friday with Mr Cairns (this will be swimming for Y5 in the autumn term) and  on a Wednesday with Mr Vitali from Sporting Influence. Could children please come into school in their PE kits on these days. Earrings must be taken out for PE for health and safety reasons.  



The class will have an hour's lesson with Madame Heap, our specialist French teacher, every Thursday.



We do not set formal written homework so that children have time to reinforce key skills at home.

We expect that children will:

  • Read daily at home, individually and/or with an adult, and record in their reading diary.
  • Practise the weekly spelling rule. This could be on Spelling Frame and /or with written practice.
  • Practise their mental maths or areas of maths that need reinforcing (Sumdog is a great way to do this).


Additional Information:

Please visit the learning links section of this site for additional resources by subject.

This is How we Write Image

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