School Uniform
At Kirby Hill CE Primary School, we believe that wearing a school uniform not only promotes a sense of community and belonging, but it is also important for supporting positive behaviour, supporting teaching and learning, promoting a sense of pride in our school, promoting equality and supporting health and safety.
We encourage all children who attend our school, from Nursery onwards, to wear school uniform.
Equality Statement
Under the Equality Act 2010 we have a duty not to discriminate against people on the basis of their age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
We acknowledge that we have an obligation under the Human Rights Act 1998 to protect and to accommodate the rights of individuals to display their religious or cultural dress. Any request based on social or cultural grounds for pupils to wear other items of clothing, other than or in addition to the specified school uniform, discussed with the headteacher, will be permitted.
This policy has been equality impact assessed and we believe that it is in line with the Equality Act 2010 as it is fair, it does not prioritise or disadvantage any pupil and it helps to promote equality at this school.
Whilst we do have uniform adorned with the school’s logo, this uniform is not compulsory. Alternative items, of the correct colours, can be worn without school logos.
We appreciate that children can grow very quickly and can have growth spurts at different times of the year. Having to continually purchase new uniform can be incredibly costly therefore our PTA committee now offers the facility for families to donate out-grown uniform and for parents to purchase items at a very low cost. If you would be interested in donating or accessing pre-loved uniform, please refer to the PTA information page on the school website or contact the school office where the relevant contact details can be passed on to you.
Kirby Hill CE Primary School Uniform
- Grey / black trousers or shorts (shorts should be plain, tailored and not sports’ shorts)
- Grey / black skirt or pinafore (In the summer, some children may prefer to wear a light blue dress.)
- White or royal blue shirt, blouse or polo shirt
- Royal blue jumper or cardigan
Royal blue sweatshirts and cardigans, and royal blue or white polo shirts, embroidered with the school logo are available to purchase from the Ripon uniform shop or via www.school-uniforms.co.uk.
Pupils should wear robust school shoes - preferably not trainers. (If trainers are to be worn, they should be completely black.) Shoes should be flat or low heeled and be suitable for playtimes.
A change of footwear is advisable for wet / snowy weather.
PE Kit
- A plain white t-shirt or plain blue t-shirt (school logo t-shirts can also be worn)
- Plain black or navy shorts
- Plain black, grey or navy jogging bottoms
- School logo jumpers, cardigans or hoodies can be worn in cold weather. Alternatively, a plain blue, black or grey sweatshirt / hoodie or jacket can be worn.
Children will require trainers for outdoor PE. (Indoor PE is done in bare feet or plimsolls).
NB - Football kits must not be worn for PE. Neither is it appropriate for t-shirts or sweatshirts with pictures or slogans to be worn.
Other Equipment
There may be other items you wish to send into school:
- For technical and art activities, an old shirt or overall will help protect your child’s clothes from paint and glue.
- A reading book bag may be brought to school (these are available from the uniform supplier).
- A named water bottle for your child to keep with them throughout the day.
- A small rucksack for your child to store any spare clothes
- A sun hat for hot weather
- Scarf, hat and gloves for cold weather
At the end of every year, we always have a large number or unnamed, unclaimed coats, school jumpers and other items that are never collected. Please help us to reduce this waste – please name everything clearly.
For safety reasons, jewellery (other than watches and small ear studs) is not permitted. If your child wears studs for school, they must be removed for all PE and games activities. If you want to have your child’s ears pierced, please try to arrange this at the start of a summer holiday so that studs can be removed for PE on their return to school.
If children are unable to remove their earrings, they will not be allowed to take part in PE sessions for health and safety reasons.
School uniform can be bought:
- online @ https://www.school-uniforms.co.uk / APC Clothing Tel: 01937 833449, or
- from the Ripon Uniform Shop, 64 Blossomgate, Ripon HG4 2AN tel 01765 692233
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